Bachelor's in Biology with Desire to Become Clinical Research Associate

A little background, I graduated from a prestigious university in 2012 with my Bachelor's in biology. My grades were average-above average and the goal was to gain admission into a professional school (med/dent/pharm) after taking extra courses to improve my gpa. Since graduating I've taken science courses off and on while working full time in laboratories as a technologist/research analyst.

I'm in a very research oriented area, so access to a job in clinical research is not an issue. The problem is knowing where to start! Every job posting I come across is looking for some one with previous experience as a clinical research associate, or at the very minimum, experience as a clinical research coordinator. I've asked current CRAs and new CRAs how they were able to get their current position and it seems a lot of their success can be attributed to networking and plain old luck. This career path seems to be one of the only ways for someone with a bachelor's degree to make a decent salary (and the bonus of traveling).

I wanted to know if anyone had any advice on how to become a clinical research associate for someone with 6+ years of clinical and research laboratory experience and a bachelor's degree in biology. Maybe a master's program? a training program? tips on where to start? I'm still planning to apply to pro school, but I would love to have a backup plan.

Thanks so much!

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Bachelor's in Biology with Desire to Become Clinical Research Associate Bachelor's in Biology with Desire to Become Clinical Research Associate Reviewed by Louhi on novembre 01, 2018 Rating: 5

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