I've got an IT job I've been doing for like over a year now combining both job experience, and it drains me of my energy to the point where I basically just work, sleep, eat and watch some TV. This is definitely not the life I wanted to live as an adult. My sleep schedule is fucked, I can't even remember my hobbies, don't have time to go out with friends, don't get along with the coworkers and on top of all that I just somehow THINK I can leave this job and try some other field. The Data Science crap is getting on my nerves, I never liked coding to begin with and now it's ALL of my job experience. None of these problems are that big to anyone who has spent any amount of time unemployed in the last two years, I'm grateful for the opportunity, but I don't want to do this for much longer than I have to.
I had a chance to work as a writer but for half the pay, and I didn't pursue it. I don't know why, but I never felt like chasing money and now I feel like that's all I'm going to be doing.
I don't have much of a plan except offer freelance services in the form of odd jobs and stuff to people on the internet, I'm taking courses online for some of those skills but that's it, no great safety net. Anyone with similar experience?
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