Should I get my hopes up for a potential job opportunity that a rando contacted my on linkedin about?

I am employed at a tech consulting firm and make a salary im pretty satisfied with considering im only 2 years out of college. Ive been working at my job since I graduated, but ive been passively looking for jobs in California since thats where I grew up and Im trying to move back there at some point in time.

A couple days ago, a random stranger on LinkedIn messaged me about a job opportunity thats 100% remote indefinitely, so I can live wherever I want so that got me interested right away. So i looked at the job posting he sent over and looked at the company employee reviews and it seemed pretty good. The job description matches what I want my career path to be and the reviews were generally positive. I also discussed with him that I am only willing to switch jobs if the pay is higher than what I currently make and he confirmed my target salary was within range of what they were thinking.

But then I went over to the guys profile and thats when I started getting doubts. He has no profile picture, no activities or descriptions, and 3 connections total. Thats weird right? Especially for someone trying to recruit.

I have a video call scheduled later this week to discuss about the job more so I can bring up some of my concerns then but what do you guys think? Is this some sort of scam or am i just overthinking this?

TLDR: a rando asked me if i wanted a job on linkedin and im skeptical about it because of the lack of content in his profile.

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Should I get my hopes up for a potential job opportunity that a rando contacted my on linkedin about? Should I get my hopes up for a potential job opportunity that a rando contacted my on linkedin about? Reviewed by Louhi on août 31, 2021 Rating: 5

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