Weird one - first time posting, so I hope this is ok.
I am looking for a bit of advice, but first, some details (keeping it basic, as i don't want to be identified):
I work in a small business unit, within a big company. My job is super easy, super breezy, a bit boring at times, but I have a lot of autonomy, and i like my team.
I have also been safe through COVID, i have worked with this same company for 10 years in a different department, have had some big wins along the way, and was only recently (this year) promoted to this current position.
My job comes with a lot of perks - I get free product, an annual bonus, I am currently WFH a minimum of 3 days a week, more when I need. I'm on a higher salary than I've had before too, so TL;DR, i'm pretty comfy.
In looking for some specific commercial information, i accidentally stumbled onto a document detailing a number of proposed costs for next year, including salaries. Some of the names looked to be from my old cost centre, so i thought it was a mistake, and looked closer - turns out, it stored my co-workers salaries, and other financial info.
aaaaaaand i'm getting paid roughly 50K less than everyone in my team. they are also on a higher bonus structure than I am.
There is some sense in this, as my co-workers are new hires, and have a specific trained skill that i lack, but still, i just feel really weird and undervalued in this. In meetings, I am a prominent voice, and often end up directing a lot of what we pursue as a team, and giving structure to our presentations within the rest of the business.
Should i talk to one of them about it? I don't really want to be seen as a trouble maker, and we have a new boss coming in soon, so I don't want to fuck my career up.
I have one or 2 good friends within our BU, I was thinking of maybe talking to them about it.
In any case, has anyone else experienced this? are there any pitfalls i should avoid?
Or should i just drop it, given I'm relatively comfortable anyway?
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