I need advice to handle this because Im in probationary period with a company im happy with but Im getting a bad rep as a unfocused lazy kid. When Im really not and if im not doing the job at hand I apologize and take responsibility, but anyways so basically my lead is arguing with me that i cant take a half day on thursday to go to the psych to get a refill because the 29th is the only day I can get a full refill before my benefits run our from my parents and as previously stated in the title I have adhd which affects me hardly as long as I am medicated and well my lead who has forgotten that I have adhd (twice Ive had to remind her) has said In the past week that I dont do enough work, when all were doing is twisting the tips of joints and she hasnt even been in the room to see the work I do (previous experience: I can do a lot of joints quickly) then condescends me by pretending I dont have adhd when Im having an off day (lot of narcissist dynamics at home/ got hit for the first time) and then says I need to have my medication( I agree) but then when I ask her to take the half day and still work, she refuses and wants me to push for friday when I literally cant and have tried everything and even then my actual production boss gave me the thumbs up but I need her approval and yet she argues. what do i do?
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