First Day Alone With Hardly Any Training in a Very Technical Field?


The lab I work is severely underemployed and technicians are stretched thin, working over 40 hours regularly. It's a new job, and I had no formal and in depth training - I've just watched my own coworkers do things. The procedures for the most part I have down, but my problem is logging and recording the data - something I have to do on LIMs, a system I only just got access to on Friday, and have no idea on how to report data after analysis.

Furthermore, there is a complete lack of HR and upper level management. Even for just a small microbiology lab, there is no supervision aside from my two coworkers - one who's my age who's barely been there a year, and the other one who is calloused after being there for twenty years. The coworker my age is away for a few days, meaning that I have to man the mornings and early afternoon entirely by myself.

I just feel entirely inept to run the lab all by myself. How do I know when I'll need to prepare more media? Or what samples to prioritize so they don't die? How about logging the results, something I have never done yet because I've never been trained on how to do so and did not have access to do for the past two weeks? I just feel I am dreading this all.

This past Friday I was pulled aside and told by my one coworker that although I am eager to learn and help, I am not very detailed focused and she's had to cover my ass for a bit, especially for logging data (which I was never formally trained on) or other things. She said it in the nicest manner possible and I know I am new, but I attribute this to the lack of formal training I received and it just shot my confidence a lot because I know HR is nonexistent at this company, and there is no training process - it's just watch and Inshallah I get it.

There are so many small things to remember; how long each type of sample has until it dies, how long each type of sample incubates, where to log my information in the hundreds of folders that exist, the small morning routines I have do to, everything... yet I feel this is way too much for me to memorize immediately with no help. I am dreading going into work alone tomorrow knowing that if I don't know something, I can't ask anyone, because we are severely understaffed and nobody will be able to help. I also am not certified officially on every single technique yet - meaning that if there's a heterotrophic plate count or sludge sample that comes in, for example, then I just hope to the good lord above that it doesn't die before the other technician gets here, because I literally cannot do anything with it.

TLDR: My new lab never formally trained me and is expecting me to be in the lab completely by myself for a few days with no assistance or help.

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First Day Alone With Hardly Any Training in a Very Technical Field? First Day Alone With Hardly Any Training in a Very Technical Field? Reviewed by Louhi on juin 06, 2021 Rating: 5

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