I've been working as a conductor for a company who gets subcontracted by the railroad to unload/switch railcars. I'm at the 6 month mark, in my own opinion, I've been performing to the best of my ability and I feel I'm doing a great job. I show up on time. I follow orders and most importantly, I get the work done.
Today, I had to drop my mom off at the airport so I had to leave a few hours early. Here's some info you need in order to understand my situation. My facility doesn't get a lot of volume so on their contract with BNSF they guarantee us 35 hours. I let the boss know a week in advance I had to leave work early and he assured me I would still get my 35 hours.
I get off work and drop my mother off at the airport. I soon receive a text saying I won't be receiving my guaranteed hours. I was pissed because this week is supposedly going to be a light week.
I honestly make shit money with this company and the boss is an awkward 20 year old kid who can't tell the difference between right and left. He's already derailed our locomotive once and has an impressive reputation for being an idiot around the company.
The only reason I've stayed for as long as I have is because I'm trying to buy a home. I need my resume to look good, but honestly I feel like today was the last straw.
This company struggles to keep employees and now I finally see why. I'm like a race horse running with a bunch of ponies. I consulted my dad and he encouraged to find a job elsewhere. I'm gonna do it, but I need to make sure I'm making the right decision. If you guys could lend me your 2 cents I would really appreciate it.
I felt bad for a while, but after a 2 mile run I feel rejuvenated.
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