I'm a contractor at a large corporation. I was told at the beginning of my tenure that I can purchase a work phone and have it (the downpayment and monthly phone bills) expensed. The reason I opted to get one, instead of using my personal phone, is that there is a tracking system we need to use/login to that I wouldn't feel comfortable using on my personal phone.
That was about 2 months ago. I have so far spent around about $400 on the downpayment and initial phone bill. It has been a month since I have submitted my expense through my manager, since contractors can't use the official electronic system. I have asked my manager several times for an update, and he keeps telling me he's submitted it. I am getting nervous because if this goes on, a year out I will have spent nearly $1000 out of my own pocket for this phone. Otherwise, I have to pay it off using my own money, $600, and won't even be able to keep it as my own phone since it's locked and doesn't allow SIM transfers. And I don't want to deal with the hassle of switching phone numbers. Today I was frustrated with the situation to the point I told my manager that since I am on a tight budget and can't afford the phone anymore (since I'm not getting reimbursed), that I would simply pay off the phone and use it as my own, and keep it as my own. Basically trying to hint at him to do something about it. He replied with a simple, "yeah, I get it".
I have spoken to someone from HR, she just said sorry, that is very difficult, and told me to ask my manager to escalate the issue. I told ber I feel awkward about doing this, since I have asked several times already, in different ways, and she old me not to feel awkward and that I should ask.
I am almost at a breaking point with this issue. No one is helping or taking me seriously and I hate having to pay out of my pocket for this. What can/should I do? Thanks very much for any insights.
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