If your manager is out of state, can you technically put down that you are the manager at your own site?

I got hired as a internal recruiter last year, and my manager is in Oregon and I am in Louisiana, so pretty far away from either other. Although there are other members of management there in the office, they are on the operations side, and not talent acquisition. They are not over me at all. My Boss's manager is in South Carolina, so pretty far from her. With that being said, I have to work very independently and manage the process myself. While my manager is always available on line, it is still up to me to make sure that everything is good and working at my site and if something happens, then I would have to take care of it. My manager has been in her position already for 5 months and her position is 100% remote and there is no plans of having her fly down to meet us.

While my title does not say "manager", I feel like in some way I do have to manage the process and put out fires when they come up and I would like to add that to my title. Do you think that is possible or would that be too much? I would just explain it as I manage the talent acquisition process at my site and that would be it.

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If your manager is out of state, can you technically put down that you are the manager at your own site? If your manager is out of state, can you technically put down that you are the manager at your own site? Reviewed by Louhi on mai 02, 2021 Rating: 5

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