I messed up my assessment interview big time

Hello all. I applied to a job and I got the interview, which went extremely well... after the interview, they invited me back for an assessment that would be done remotely.

They sent me company excel files, and a few emails (inquiries) I needed to respond to in one hour, and in order to respond to them I had to look at the excel files.

Anyhow, I did it and I sent them back but after I revised it today, I realized I messed up and the info was totally wrong.

I was thinking should I send a follow up explaining my mistakes and the thought behind them or it seems like a lost cause? I did really well at the interview, but messed up the assessment.

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I messed up my assessment interview big time I messed up my assessment interview big time Reviewed by Louhi on mai 03, 2021 Rating: 5

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