Never thought this would happen to me but long story short I was furloughed from my old job due to COVID. Naturally, I applied to other jobs because I honestly didn’t think my old company would bounce back so quickly/ need me back so fast. I started working at my new company almost 3 weeks ago, when my old boss reached out telling me they want me to come back full time, but temporarily under a different position. I really enjoyed working at the old company and was genuinely happy prior to being furloughed. Now I have to decide if I want to leave my new job for my old one. I haven’t been at the new job long enough for me to decide if it’s “better” than the old company. I feel comfortable with my old boss and team so for now I’m leaning towards the old company.
If I leave the new job I feel super awkward/ anxious/ embarrassed having to quit to quickly. Does anyone have any tips for doing this? Do you have any regrets?
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