I am currently studying economics in the third semester and now i am in the first weeks of my half-year compulsory internship at a large company.
I have never worked at a large company before and the whole business world with the dozens of mails you receive and the meetings you attend is completely new to me.
A young woman (28) is now my mentor and will guide me through my internship. She didn‘t really explain the duties I have well and I am trying to figure things out myself.
Sometimes i fail at tasks because I did not get tought how to do them and I am new, but I am trying my best.
My mentor now always judges me when I do something wrong or not in the way she wants. It is not the fact that she does this, but the way she tells me. I am not getting yelled at, but she always says things like „Why are you not able to do this“ or „I told you that before. You should be able to do that“ in an annoyed way. (And yes, I am trying my best, and yes, I am sometimes overwhelmed because I got thrown into cold water)
I am ok at my job, but I really don‘t know how to handle her passive-aggressive comments. I guess she will rate my work at the end of my internship, and I obviously want a good rating.
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