So long story short, I'm from Canada, Ontario, and I ended up leaving a well paying... poultry farm position last month due to harrassment and bullying and terrible management in short.
So for the last two years I've been doing farm work.
Employment Insurance is great when you need it - but having been home now for about a month has been driving me bonkers so I've been applying like crazy to places.
So far I have aced an interview at a Soyabean processing plant, like 10 mins down the road from my apartment (Trying to focus on what I know - Agriculture or Automotive Sectors).
I have until friday to let the company know if I want the job, they all seem super nice and genuinely interested in me as a person and not just a number like my last Employer.
I just have my doubts, like alot of it is new skills that will need developing like driving shunt trucks and moving sea containers to docks, and loading soyabeans in totes onto trailers, and operating computers to unload soyabeans from the silos into the transport trucks and using tractors and such.
I guess having a bad past experience at a job that I really loved the work, has lead me to doubt my abilities in adapting to a new work enviournment, however I feel like I can't let this opportunity pass by, and honestly I can't believe I didn't apply earlier. I used to drive an hour and a half to work, and this soya farm is literally 10 minutes down the road from me.
Like I'm nervous I guess because I don't want my weakness from my last job to carry over and impact my chances at doing well at this job. My last Location Manager told me the reason my Main Manager pretty much didn't get along with me there was because we share the same Leadership style, he also gave me some advice, that I ended up using in my new job interview-
Don't hold others to the same expectations that you hold yourself to. - youll end up disappointed.
This new employer asked me what my weakness was... and I said, losing my composure, and holding others to the same expectations that I hold myself to.
I guess they see something in me, and I'm sorry to rant, I'm just looking for some outside perspectives is all.
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