I'll try not to be too wordy haha.
So the short story is. I applied for a job and had an interview with the talent manager.
It went great, I usually do well in interviews!
I had an interview a few hours later with the would-be-my boss.
That went great too.
Question is, I was informed that they are already near the end of the process with two other candidates. But he phrased it in a way that they really like me and my passion and want me to interview with the team members to get up to speed in the process. And he made it sound like they are sending communication to the other two about expectations on hearing back. But that could just be talk.
My question is, in your experience, does this sound like they really think I'd be a contender and want to me catch up so they can decide who they really want?
Or are they just keeping me in back pocket in case the others decline an offer?
Obviously no way to know, just curious in your experience!
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