Got fired for a pretty bs reason today.

I was a middle level manager at a gun shop. They sought me out and offered me the management job a little over a year ago. Generally, iv loved the job and the people under me. Iv struggled to build a relationship with the other senior level people, though. Mostly, cause its a very "bro" society and im just not.

I would humbly say I was good at my job. All my employees loved me, they were all very vocal that I'm the hardest working person in the building and I should get a raise and the general air towards me was positive.

The other management have, overall, just screwed off since iv been there. Leaving to drink in the middle of the day and coming back to work, taking off early several times a week for whatever reason and generally just screwing off when they are in the building. Its fine though, right? Cause I did all the managing stuff.

Well, the GM stepped down a few weeks ago and we got a new one.. insert nepotism (For context, new GM is the biggest Chad you've ever met)

Also, had my annual review before the new GM stepped down and I was told that iv been doing a great job, was an asset to the shop, "thanks for holding down the fort" and given a $1.00 raise.

I guess I slit my own throat cause GMs first week, he did all the get to ya know ya interviews and I sort of laid it on the line. Told him the other managers screw off and I get crapped on. Told him all the things that bothered me(and my employees) that the old GM wouldn't do anything about. Etc. Just generally vocalized my perspective on the situation since he specifically asked if there was anything I'd change if I could or thinks he should know.

Well... turns out.

Hes known the other manager for like 8 years, and they are both figurative and literal bros.

Its been a frustrating two weeks because Iv had to sit and watch the favoritism, but generally the GM has made some positive changes the old GM didn't so iv been content to just do my job and let it play out.

Well, today I came in early as usual and he pulls me aside and fires me.

The reason, I made a clerical error on a form last week.. first offense. Never been written up or reprimanded for anything..

And the error was an easy fix that happens all the time. I wrote 2015 instead of 2025 on something. Stupid mistake, but an easy fix. No harm no foul. My guys would make a similar mistake regularly. Its always just a "hey. Pay better attention" situation..

Well, he said its zero tolerance now and he's got to let me go for it. Obviously thats BS and just the excuse hes using to let me go... but I honest to goodness can't think of a good reason for it. It blindsided me...

I just feel so insulted... Used... Disrespected... outcast..

Just defeated.

I have a mortgage, wife and 3 kids to support. This has been a rough year and our savings is drained.

The job paid good money and it seems unlikely that I'll land a job quickly that pays more or equal.

I just feel sick and I dont know what to do..

I will say...

On some level I feel relieved.

The last 6 months iv really started to despise my job..

Not the job itself, but a majority of the customers.

Everyone wants to vocalize their political or philosophical opinion, and thats fine. Iv perfected the art of smily and nodding at ignorant people.

But the last few months, the verbal vomit changed from general racism and bigotry to outright vocal excitement at an upcoming Civil War. I have heard so many people say they can't wait for 'sht to pop off so they can start killing these f&%ing liberals' or recently "if trump doesn't win, sh*ts gonna get real bad for.."

Its sickening. Disheartening. Disturbing.. to say the least.

And honestly, the last few months its really been wearing on me.

Had a guy a few months ago come in for a shotgun. While he was filling out his paperwork he proudly proclaimed that 'this is for those f&%ing n&%@$"

The other manager was the guy working with him and just laughed about it and sold him the gun.

By all rights, that sale should have been denied.. had it been my customer, i would have denied him the gun. But what was I to do? The guy was my senior manager.... i felt like my hands were tied.

Just so many little cases of sht like that.. its exhausting emotionally, considering that I fundamentally am appalled by that sort of mentality but I have to deal with it every day and sell those f&%in lunatics guns.

So, as frustrating and stressful as the situation is, at least I can have a clean conscious about that now.

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Got fired for a pretty bs reason today. Got fired for a pretty bs reason today. Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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