What kind of job can I land with an economics degree, extensive informal work experience, but no formal internship?

Not what kind of job (e.g., accountant) per se... but the salary, experience level, expectations of my role


I will be graduating next spring from a good school. I am hoping to land a job after graduation but I am unaware of what my expectations should be, as I didn't land an internship this summer. Thanks, COVID. My informal experience is barista work during a gap year, ongoing freelance photography work, a research internship at my university, and a year-long retail sales gig. I am unusually hard on myself despite the fact that I know I am a creative thinker and hard-working. I have been working towards a degree that technically makes me qualified to read, write, and think at a high-level. I just don't have extensive professional experience to show for it. I have taken a career class, and know how to write a nice cover letter, prepare a resume, polish my Linkedin profile, etc. I have interviewed with companies several times. I always show up on time to the jobs I have worked, and I'm pleasant to be around. I'm so excited to fully step into the professional work world. (Those healthcare benefits, woo!) I have prepared for years!

But what about the details?

  • How will I know if a job is even worth applying to? In other words, if we'd be a good fit?
    • I am okay with entry-level roles for experience but I also want to aim high
    • It seems impossible to meet job criteria at this stage, and I have to start somewhere
  • What should I expect in salary? HARD NUMBERS, PEOPLE. One of my economics professors said we should expect at least 60k... I'm willing to be more realistic and consider not only the salary but potential external benefits
  • When should I start applying for summer 2021 positions? Can I start now?
  • Does your degree title matter all that much?

Thank you in advance!

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What kind of job can I land with an economics degree, extensive informal work experience, but no formal internship? What kind of job can I land with an economics degree, extensive informal work experience, but no formal internship? Reviewed by Louhi on août 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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