What associate degrees are worth pursuing?

I’m 19 and I dropped out of a 4 year university because what I want to do doesn’t require any schooling. I also owe 20k in loans just from this year which is the main factor for me leaving. My parents want me to go finish although there’s no degree I even ever had in mind. I could’ve chose a STEM degree but that’s simply not in my natural aptitude. In my opinion, if it’s not STEM or an MBA, school is not the best investment unless on a full scholarship. In hopes to not have my parents look at me in disappointment, I figured I should at least try and attain an associate degree but I have no idea what program would be beneficial for me in the long run.. aside from nursing

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What associate degrees are worth pursuing? What associate degrees are worth pursuing? Reviewed by Louhi on août 08, 2020 Rating: 5

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