My Boss is Creating a Hostile Environment After I made Many Sacrifices... (Please Advise)

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for stopping by to read my post. I moved up to Bakersfield from LA to stay with family during the whole quarantine shutdown March-July. I made a decision to go under my parent's wings to eventually take over the family business up in Bakersfield. I then got an unexpected job offer, that I didn't apply for, with a company down in LA that I was fond of. I told them my situation, how I moved back up to Bakersfield, and that I cannot take the position due to my living situation, and that I had intentions of continuing my family's business.

My future employer then offered me a sweet deal of $900 single bed apartment through his friend who is the property owner of the complex. I then made the tough decision to take the offer. He told me that the place was available by a certain time, so I decided to couch surf at a friend's in the meantime. However... the apartment turns out to not even be available. This of course made me feel uneasy and stressed out over the situation. I had to go through the long process of apartment searching and sending in applications, which costed me a lot of money. Long story short, I found a studio apartment near work.

The actual job was not what we agreed on and was not what I had expected. I was supposed to be their social media marketing manager, but he didn't even have the logins for me to access the company's social media pages, websites, etc. I ended up having to help around the store as a cashier, etc.

He then freaks out at me yesterday for not giving him back my paycheck that I deposited through mobile deposit. He says that he is "100% certain" that he had disclosed to me that mobile deposited checks MUST be given back to him under no circumstances. I told him that he had not disclosed that to me, but he said statements like, "no something is not right in your head". He then brings my coworker into the conversation (who is also the store manager) and tells him, "This LADY doesn't want to give me the check back... because she is up to no good." I got so angry at him at that point and stood my ground. I had to tell him that he never verbalized anything of that nature to me, and that I probably have the old check lying around my new place. He then gave me a half-assed "apology" and said, "I'm sorry you feel that way and that you think that way... but I told you to give me the check back".

WTF did I get myself into? This is not the first time where I've had confrontational encounters with my employer. Don't get me wrong, it hasn't been ALL bad, but I can't help, but feel trapped. I signed a year lease at my new place to work for him. It's only been a month into my employment.

Sorry for the loong post, I really had to blow some steam. Any outside perspective really helps. Thank you!

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My Boss is Creating a Hostile Environment After I made Many Sacrifices... (Please Advise) My Boss is Creating a Hostile Environment After I made Many Sacrifices... (Please Advise) Reviewed by Louhi on août 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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