Hours cut for a new hire

I’ve been at my current job at a liquor store for almost two years with two other coworkers and my manager. We’ve constantly asked for more hours when we can without my manager budging. Recently he decided to hire someone new which was fine at the start as she only worked on two days when we had orders coming in and she also worked a second job so I didn’t think anything of that. As of last week my manager has decided to cut my hours from 34 a week to 25 making it near impossible for me to pay rent at this rate while he gave the new hire 30+ hours (he also cut my other coworkers harder then he did me. They’re getting 12 and 14) is there a way I can say this is bs without having to leave my job? I don’t mind this job and with Covid I’m unsure if I’ll be able to find something else anytime soon

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Hours cut for a new hire Hours cut for a new hire Reviewed by Louhi on août 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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