So first of all. I’ve rewritten this like 10 times. Hopefully this is compressed enough. Thanks in advance for reading it.
Making a long story short: I am, or was, a high performer with (~98th-99th percentile on SAT + IQ-tests, high GPA, excellent sports performance etc) but tried doing too much stuff at the same time and got burned out. Recently I got diagnosed with ADHD which explains a lot, including why I got burnt out in the first place and why I have so hard to decide on a particular career path. Either way, the end result is that I’ve messed up my career progression by quite a bit.
After a rather long struggle I believe my depression is more or less cured. I’ve decided not to study anymore and start working for real, but I’m avoiding making applications since I took way too long to finish. It’s really a mental block. Please help.
My education history is listed below. The gaps is mainly due to breaks for travelling and working, mostly in qualified roles in engineering, strategy, supply chain management etc. Some work history is more of the “fun” sort, i.e. in the tourism sector in the Alps and by the Mediterranean. I won't bother listing my entire resume but I have not been lazy overall. Internships/work pretty much every summer, part-time jobs most of the time, periods of full-time work. Got some recent gaps since I’ve lost so much confidence and I’m simply not applying for any jobs. I’m hoping to rectify this now.
Also I live in Europe. My country still uses a fairly rigid title system which requires you to study a set of courses which means it’s often not that easy jump between majors without having to do quite a bit of additional studies. My swap was between majors that have slightly similar career prospects but still differ quite a bit.
E.g. from Electrical Engineering to Engineering Physics; or from Mechanical Engineering to Industrial Engineering & Management etc.
EDUCATION HISTORY (actual years)
2013-2019 | M.Sc in X engineering, 4 out of 5 years complete
- Different kind of engineering from my previous studies. I could transfer some credits but not a lot. Planned study time: 2013-2017.
- Took a 2 year break to work full-time for a startup in a business analyst role.
- Hence I essentially lagged 2 yrs behind on this. Won’t finish the particular Master’s track I chose, since it no longer interest me. Perhaps I’ll finish another in the future.
2013-2020 | B.Sc. in Finance
- Actually completed 90% on time (2013-2016), except for my thesis which I finished recently.
- Studied in parallel with other activities (150%-200% total workload).
2012-present | Independent courses
- For instance, Basic Law, a semester of Statistics, German, Economics, rhetoric, various technical and management courses. Currently studying Java and C++.
- Studied in parallel with other activities.
2009-2012 | B.Sc. in Y engineering
- Finished on time. Different university, different kind of engineering.
As for my questions. I really need input on how to phrase this in the most advantageous way. It is however very important, if only for my own consciousness sake, that I’m not lying in any way.
Should I leave out bits of my education or not? Specifically, my first engineering degree.
My reasoning here is that I don’t really want to flaunt just how long I’ve studied. On the other hand, for every job that I’ll be forced to show my grades, it will also show exactly when I took my first University credits. Hence, options;
1.1 Keep everything on my resume, period
1.2 Remove the first engineering degree depending if I need to show my grades or not
1.3 Remove the first engineering degree no matter what, and explain if asked about it.
How do I phrase the time period for my Finance degree?
I can think of multiple ways:
2.1 Write 2013-2020. Pros is that this means being fully transparent and it won’t bite me in my bum later. Cons is that it looks bad.
2.2 Write just the ending date, 2020. Pros is that it hides starting date. Cons is that its not very common to do this in my country and it might look a little odd.
2.3 Write 2013-2016, but explain in description that thesis is written fall semester 2019 (finished Jan 2020). Pros is that it looks better, and it’s not lying. Cons - I’m not sure what cons there are; perhaps that it looks a little odd.
Do I, in my description of education, explain why I’m overdue or is that a bad idea?
A huge thanks in advance for any help, feedback or advice.
Spent too long studying. Unsure of how to phrase my resume.
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