Getting sick frequentlyas a newcomer

So I started working at an Amazon fulfillment center on June 16th Just a few days earlier I got a bad tonsillitis infection (I usually get sick only once every 1-2 years) I still went to my day 1 and hoped that it will go away as fast as possible And it did After taking antibiotics for 2 days I felt fine Fast forward 1 week later I got another tonsillitis infection and called in sick for 4 days After 2 weeks I got another tonsillitis infection and called in sick for a other 5 day's And now I got another tonsillitis infection last week and called in sick for another week But my doctor couldn't prescribe me more antibiotics and now I have to "manually" fight off the infection I'm still feeling sick and I don't know if I can call in sick again without being fired Can anybody get me some advice on what to do?

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Getting sick frequentlyas a newcomer Getting sick frequentlyas a newcomer Reviewed by Louhi on août 09, 2020 Rating: 5

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