Information Technology vs Finance vs Physical Therapy/PTA

My first bachelors was in kinesiology pre-pt, but I couldn't find any jobs in it. So, I did firefighting for a while then changed careers to IT. I have 3 comptia certs, and I recently failed a microsoft md101 and my girlfriend was saying maybe IT wasn't for me. I just got started in the field tho and have only been working in it for two months.

I've been debating between going back to school for either IT or computer science, my other options are finance and PT but the debt for schooling would be a lot for either one. I feel with IT I could get the degree done fast. Computer Science may lead to more jobs, but I don't know if I could pass the math classes.

Finance would be around 30k and Physical therapy would be 3 more years of school for around 80k to 100k which I feel is lunacy. My last option would be Physical therapy assistant which would only be 10k in schooling and a year long since I already have a bachelors, but there is no upward growth in salary because you're an assistant.

Which of these options would be best.

  1. IT
  2. Computer Science
  3. PT
  4. PTA
  5. Finance
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Information Technology vs Finance vs Physical Therapy/PTA Information Technology vs Finance vs Physical Therapy/PTA Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 30, 2020 Rating: 5

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