Considering the counter offer

I have been applying for jobs for the last two months and have applied to almost fifty jobs. Overall I feel like the search has been going well with 6 first interviews and 3 second interviews. I haven't gotten any formal offers yet but feel optimistic. I put my two week today at my current job without one lined up, I have a timeline in mind and plan on taking a month off to spend with my family so I felt it was time. My supervisor made it clear they would like to keep me around if possible and that he would talk with my boss about it next week. I have been a little conflicted about quitting in the first place as I like my employer and co-workers but haven't like the customers I have worked with and feeling burnt out on the interactions (the contract is up at the end of the year but night be renewed for 2 more years). I am trying to weigh if accepting the counter offer makes sense, as these are uncertain times... I might also look into the options of relocating to another office and see if I could work with different customers.

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Considering the counter offer Considering the counter offer Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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