Reporting harassment vs “leaving on a high note”

I am a 25 year old woman working in tech sales, on my second year on the job. I have always been a “top performer.” The company is in high-growth mode with stock exploding due to COVID-19-bolstered sales.

About 1-1.5 years ago, one guy and his friends started a smear campaign, calling me a fraud, loser, gross, with some saying I even slept with a high-level executive to get promoted. This made me extremely paranoid at work and even though things are better now, this is ultimately the reason why I’m leaving for another (lower paying) job. I can’t deal with the lingering toxicity.

I already tried going through the reporting process once and ended up halting a legal investigation out of fear of the consequences (guy I’m accusing is very popular and social and so I have been worried about retaliation).

Now, I’m on a high note and have built up my reputation at the company. However, I still have sour feelings about my experience.

I’m worried that if I report these people, my “great reputation” will be soured again. But if I don’t, I may have trouble feeling like I didn’t get justice.

Any advice on whether or not to file a report on my way out?

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Reporting harassment vs “leaving on a high note” Reporting harassment vs “leaving on a high note” Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 01, 2020 Rating: 5

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