Need help spinning terrible new job to potential employers. Have only been at the company for 2.5 months and dying to leave.

I got a job offer at a new company a couple weeks before COVID-19 ruined the job market and took the plunge: submitted my two week notice in mid-March and was in my new position in early April. The job was positioned to me as an early stage startup (SaaS) with lots of room to grow, change processes, and be generally entrepreneurial. I was at a more established company at the time so that was appealing to me.

What I am finding is that the company is generally chaotic in a way that is not fun (maybe not the right word but whatever lol) or interesting. The tech is poor and ALL initiatives are never executed to completion. It is very common for something to be a Top Priority one day and the next for it to be forgotten after I spend soooo much time on it. Features will be changed or released and they will NEVER be done right the first time, and maybe not the second/third/etc. I am in a client-facing role and am already at a point where I dread new releases because I know they will prob brick the product and my day will be hell/12 hours long. Other features desperately need updates and will simply never be changed, but we continue to sell clients on them. There is a very toxic sales culture where reps are pressured to mislead clients and make outrageous promises.

Whatever the reason, this is not shaping up to be what I thought it would be and I'd like to casually start looking again. I know that I am lucky to even be employed right now but I can't take another 10 months of this. What do recruiters think of people who leave their jobs after two months (FWIW the rest of my resume is very stable and solid) and how do I explain this to them? I am so strung out that I will surely tell THE TRUTH if asked and you're never supposed to do that when looking for jobs.

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Need help spinning terrible new job to potential employers. Have only been at the company for 2.5 months and dying to leave. Need help spinning terrible new job to potential employers. Have only been at the company for 2.5 months and dying to leave. Reviewed by Louhi on juin 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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