I need tips on finding a remote job, I’ve been out of work for awhile and our household is immunocompromised.
I’ve been out of proper work since last May, and all my job searching was an absolute failure. I’ve been delivery driving full time since then. When the pandemic began, I worked my butt off and made pretty good money doing it, taking all appropriate safety precautions and it was all curbside or socially distanced. After I got on unemployment in May I stopped, mostly because I was tired. Working twelve hour days seven days a week will do that, I needed a break.
Well, fast forward to a few weeks back, we got the news that my girlfriend’s cancer is back, and she’s started chemotherapy. I’ve gone out a few times to pick up dinner for ourselves, and all the selfish people bunched up at restaurants with no masks and no regard have made me both angry and worried.
Cancer is bad enough, but I’m confident she can beat it again. Bringing home coronavirus though may literally kill her. I do not feel safe going back to work gigs after the unemployment bonus ends next month, and I’m sure it won’t be extended. If it is, I’ll be over the moon because if it goes away, my check drops to $120/week. I need to find a remote job, but I don’t know how or where to look. I’ll take anything that doesn’t pay trash at this point.
Also, I’m thinking of putting the delivery work on my resume because otherwise it stops at May 2019, and that looks horrible.
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