I am looking to apply to a job that asks for a cover letter, resume and references to be attached. I just found out about the job and the competition closes tomorrow. I work at my current job tomorrow, so I can’t take time out of my day to apply before the deadline/ have to do it tonight. I love my current job, but my contract is ending soon and won’t be renewed because COVID19 has destroyed the budget.
Where I live and in my field, it is very uncommon to attach references when sending a resume. I have been advised against doing this in the past. I don’t like the idea of an employer checking my references before meeting me. Though I understand interviews are a chance for the employer to get to know the future employee and see who would be the best fit. I also use an interview to get to know a potential boss and the company. I use the interview to decide if I want to work for a company, and leave my references if it is a place I feel could benefit my career.
My references tend to like to know which company and job I am applying for so that they can have a heads up about who is calling them about me. I might apply to lots of jobs, not all of which I would get an interview for, and feel like it’s kind of a pain to have to notify my references of all these different jobs that I might not be on the short list for/ they might not even get a call about me for.
Is asking for references with the resume becoming more commonplace? If so, is there a better way to manage the situation of apply to lots of jobs while not making being a burden to your references?
I think for this application I’m just going to have to send my application in without the references attached and hope my resume is impressive enough to still get an interview.
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