How can I name all these terms into a sentence/sentences?

I am writing my CV and I've identified various phrases that are all linked. These are:

  • Communication
  • Continuous improvement
  • Conflict management
  • Learning focused
  • Insightful
  • Best practices
  • Improve
  • Respectful

·I'm trying to write as many of those phrases in a sentence or two whilst still ensuring the sentence(s) work and read well. I've currently written:

Communicated with department globally to learn and share best practices and offer insights to ensure continuous improvement as well as reflecting on own feedback received. Done in a constructive, respectful manner; managing conflict carefully.

I feel I've "name-dropped" quite a few words and phrases in a way that doesn't allow the sentences to read smoothly. Please could you help?

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How can I name all these terms into a sentence/sentences? How can I name all these terms into a sentence/sentences? Reviewed by Louhi on juin 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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