Employer I am interviewing with keeps giving me take home tests that get increasingly difficult

Hi everyone, I am a security engineer and I have been freelancing for three years while I pay for college.

Now that I finished school, I want to get back to a FT job.

Found a company near me and began the process of interviewing.

After my home screen I was given a 10 page “test” on troubleshooting. It took me about three hours to complete. Which I figured is fair - I have spent similar time writing SOWs for clients that didn’t end up signing me on.

But now after my first round interview I got another take home test which is asking me to write documentation for their help desk to use. I estimate another two to three hours.

There is also going to be at least one if not two more interviews after this with god knows how much more work.

I should have pushed back originally but I figured that the examples that they asked me to troubleshoot were pretty generic and what the harm.

But now they want actual procedural documentation? I just feel like I’m being taken advantage of and they might use this documentation.

I actually applied to a few other jobs and was given one offer (just waiting for background check to clear).

IMO it’s not real until they give you a start date and you show up for the first day of work.... therefore I feel an obligation to keep my options open Incase there is a surprise budget cut and they tell me oops don’t come in anymore...

My gut is to tell this employer to piss up a rope and that I’m done working for free, but I worry I will be SOL if the job I accepted falls through. I’m very superstitious and religious and also feel if I spitefully pull myself out of the job asking for free work, then I will end up losing the job I accepted.

Can anyone share any advice on how to respectfully push back on their ask for me to do another round of free work for them?

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Employer I am interviewing with keeps giving me take home tests that get increasingly difficult Employer I am interviewing with keeps giving me take home tests that get increasingly difficult Reviewed by Louhi on juin 22, 2020 Rating: 5

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