Any advice for someone with a mild stutter in interviews?

I've always had this stutter due to a physical disability, and sometimes I have to Go over a word because I can't articulate it well. It just sounds like a mumble at times, or a mesh of syllables that don't quite make sense. It would happen occasionally like 1 out of 8 times I speak and it's usually only one word I mess up on.

During interview most of the time I'm just focusing on not stuttering, and I usually come off with a nervous vibe. When I do the eventual stutter I start to overthink, and most of my conversations sound robotic/uninterested.

Is their any advice you can give someone like me during the interview process? I don't want to disclose my disability, because of discriminatory reasons.

Thanks for any advice.

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Any advice for someone with a mild stutter in interviews? Any advice for someone with a mild stutter in interviews? Reviewed by Louhi on juin 23, 2020 Rating: 5

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