Should I lie about a made up injury in job interview to explain 3 month unemployed period?

I'm an electrician (apprentice/trainee) in with two years of experience. A few of us were laid off 3 months ago due to work slowing down. I'm pretty sure if I had looked for a new job right away, I could have gotten hired easily. My foreman even told me I could use him as a reference. Problem is that I suffer from anxiety, and I just dread job interviews. I've been procrastinating like crazy, and now here I am. There really no good reason for me not be working right now. TBH, maybe it wasn't all anxiety. Probably some laziness in there too. (I have lots of savings so I didn't feel too much pressure to start working right away)

When I interview, I'm thinking of saying I sprained my ankle after getting laid off to explain why I haven't been working. And I took time off to let it heal. That would lead to another problem because maybe they wouldn't want to risk hiring a potentially injured employee. Construction requires a lot of heavy lifting after all. What are the odds they would ask for proof that I'm healed?

Got any better ideas to explain my unemployed period? Should I write something in my resume?

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Should I lie about a made up injury in job interview to explain 3 month unemployed period? Should I lie about a made up injury in job interview to explain 3 month unemployed period? Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 27, 2020 Rating: 5

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