New job offer - employer wants comprehensive medical exam. Is this normal?

I just received a job offer after being out of work for years. The employer is a health care provider but I won't have any direct contact with any patients. It's a completely non-medical job.

The employer wants me to get a complete physical exam including dates of last menstrual cycle and whether or not I perform self breast exams. These are just two examples - the list of questions is 15 pages long. They also require blood and urine samples. They said if I don't complete it entirely, they will rescind the job offer. Beyond the medical information, they want a complete credit history including balances - not just a credit score.

I am super uncomfortable giving them all of this information. Is this normal for a healthcare provider or employers in general now?

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New job offer - employer wants comprehensive medical exam. Is this normal? New job offer - employer wants comprehensive medical exam. Is this normal? Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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