Question about offer wording

Hi everyone!

I just got my official offer for an internship. I am wondering how to read the phrasing of the salary part of the offer.

To give context, this internship is part-time (3 days a week) and will be working 22.5 hours a week, for 12 weeks.

The wording of the compensation is: You will be paid a salary equivalent to $30,000 per annum for days worked, paid semi-monthly.

Should this be read that the $30,000 will be split over an annual basis but on the three days I will be working or is it $30,000 over an annual basis as if I worked five days a week? The phrase "days worked" is confusing me.

I've been in class all day and didn't get the chance to ask HR before they closed and I need to respond by tomorrow morning (I'm accepting the offer regardless but would just like to know how much I'm will be paid hourly).


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Question about offer wording Question about offer wording Reviewed by Louhi on janvier 28, 2020 Rating: 5

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