Unsure if I should stay at this job?

I have been with my current company for around 19 months. For the first 18 months (also my first job after graduate school), I worked in a challenging environment that gradually became more toxic, as time passed, due to low pay, issues not being resolved from administrators, numerous staff quitting due to burnout and never-ending staff shortages, ethical concerns, etc. I requested to transfer to a different department 2 months ago into a slightly different role (for slightly higher pay) and more growth opportunities. I knew other people who had left my former department to transfer to my current department, and they had positive experiences when changing, and I hoped I would have the same.

I have been at my new job for 3 weeks, and given the 3 varied roles within my position, I have one "main" supervisor, but also 3 "additional" supervisors for each of my roles. I thought this would be a "good" thing to have different insight and mentorship; however, it has frequently resulted in miscommunication among the 4 supervisors when advising me for what to do for the varied roles within my positions, as well as figuring out who is responsible to "train" me for different roles. I am frequently told how to complete a task from one of these supervisors, but then having my "main" supervisor become frustrated with the differences in information being shared with me. I only see my "main" supervisor 1-2 time(s) a week, so on the days I do not see her, I have to e-mail her, and hope I am given a response that way. There are also times that my supervisors have not communicated necessary training information to me because they believe that another supervisor has already told me the necessary information and/or due to assuming I transferred within the company, I should already know the information (which is not possible due to differences in the departments). When I interviewed for this new position, the directors were aware of my limited experience related to some aspects of this new job, but felt confident that I could learn on the job and with experience, which I hoped also. The department has never hired someone into so many different positions like what they made my position to be, and say they are learning, as they go, with how to best supervise me, but it's feeling very frustrated.

I feel that all of these different supervisors are now realizing the impacts of the miscommunication during my training process, and have been asking me how "training" has been going, and are not very happy with the results. They are expecting me to independently complete my job responsibilities starting within the next 2 weeks. They have been having me shadow one of my supervisors 2-3 days a week to watch how they complete their specified job responsibilities, which has definitely been insightful to watch; however, with all of the time spent observing, they have given me very minimal on the job training related to my workload for one of these components, which is very different than my supervisor's.

Today, one of the supervisors spoke with me privately (and mentioned she would be speaking with my other supervisors to see how everything has been going, etc) to ask how training has been going, etc, to which she questioned me if I felt "ready" to independently complete some other aspects of my job due to my limited experience with some areas of the position, and also mentioned that if she had interviewed me, she would have highlighted other pertinent information related to the job to have a better depiction of the job, etc. I felt that she also implied that she does not feel I am the best fit for this position, as I said I was interested in taking this position to gain more experience in different areas, but told me that was not the purpose of this position, and that I needed to view myself as more of an "expert" to succeed in the position. However, with only 3 weeks at this new job, and most of my time spent in "training" by watching other people do their job, and not being given direct support with my own workload, I am definitely feeling overwhelmed and not confident in my abilities, and feel like the department now regrets hiring me, although I know I did not misrepresent my credentials, etc. It seems like this new department is almost just like my previous department, disappointingly, with a toxic and unsupportive environment again. Another supervisor also mentioned to me that she was not used to having new hires to the department with such limited experience either, which again is making me question why I was hired.

Additionally, I am scheduled to work at 2 different location, but do not have adequate resources to complete my job, as at one of my jobs, I temporarily have no office, desk, or computer to use due to building renovations for a few weeks, and at my other location, I have no desk to store any pertinent files, and have to borrow one of my supervisor's filing cabinet to file important documents.

Does anyone have any advice on what to do with this situation? I was really looking forward to new experiences at this job, but between the inconsistent training/supervisor, lack of appropriate resources at my job, continuing miscommunications, etc, I am feeling really inadequate and disappointed with this new position, and am unsure if things will work out, if I should just quit already, etc? I have briefly started looking for another new job, but my location is super saturated for my job, and it is very challenging to find quality jobs where I live...

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Unsure if I should stay at this job? Unsure if I should stay at this job? Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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