Job told me I can’t go on trip. Planning to quit soon anyway. Should I just take the trip?

So I am currently a teacher and in the summer I booked a flight to go on a trip the week of thanksgiving. I was planning on using personal days Monday Tuesday and Wednesday and I already have off Thursday and Friday. When I told my boss my plans he told me I was not allowed to take these days off. I have been planning on leaving this job previous to this. I’ve been going on interviews and was offered a new job last week and am being flown out next weekend for another interview at my dream job. After I find out about that I’m going to put in my resignation (I have to give 2 months warning instead of 2 weeks because of my contract).

Should I take the trip anyway or should I not go on the trip to jeep everyone happy at my current job. Also if I were to take the trip what’s the best way to go about telling them?

Some people have gave me tips to go in and be like “hey listen my family comes first I’m going on the trip”, “others have told me to call out sick those days.

Any and all advice is appreciated, thank you!

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Job told me I can’t go on trip. Planning to quit soon anyway. Should I just take the trip? Job told me I can’t go on trip. Planning to quit soon anyway. Should I just take the trip? Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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