I am interviewing for a new job and the company is requiring my current supervisor's contact

So I am applying for a new job and I just had my third round interview for a full time/full benefits with a very large company (I am currently a contractor). This would be an amazing opportunity for me and I really want it. If I make it through this round, the last step would be for them to contact my references. After that, I would enter a pool of candidates that this company will be able to pull from for certain positions. The pool will be around for two years and then it will expire.

The issue is as part of application process they needed my current supervisor as one of my references. I checked with them to see if this could be done once in a pool or later, but was informed that my current supervisor would be the first person they called. My current supervisor is a nice guy, but I know he will be surprised by the fact I am looking and there is a real possibility that I won't be going anywhere, anytime soon after they call him. I am an at will employee who could be fired at anytime, but while my supervisor does not seem vindictive like that, I also don't want to completely burn this bridge. I really don't want to tell him ahead of time in case I don't make it to the next round, but I am worried that surprising him might be worse. Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this?

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I am interviewing for a new job and the company is requiring my current supervisor's contact I am interviewing for a new job and the company is requiring my current supervisor's contact Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 22, 2019 Rating: 5

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