highschool research internships?

Hey all,

I am currently a senior in High School and am just finishing up college apps. I've been looking for a research opportunity related to neuroscience or psychology but I have had no luck so far. The labs at the major universities near me (University of Washington and Seattle U) are pretty much inaccessible to anyone not enrolled. I have also looked at a number of other places such as the Allen institute, but they only accept internship applications for their summer programs.

I have a number of neuroscience-related courses on my resume and I have participated in studies in the field, but I haven't had any luck in terms of getting in touch with any professors that I could possible work with.

If someone knew were else I could look I would really appreciate it


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highschool research internships? highschool research internships? Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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