Third interview invite 20min after second interview?

Applied for a great job (currently have a job) and was asked by the Director supervising the position to interview with him two days later. Went great, he followed up a few days later with digital tasks to complete related to the job and another interview request for this week (this morning) with the managing director (my would-be boss) and another Director. Also went well. I was told they’d be going on vacation and not to worry if I didn’t hear anything for a week or so. Got an email from HR about 20 min later asking me to meet the local staff next week and do another video call with even more staff while there.

Sooo what should I expect? Never had a situation where 3 interviews were normal. Not sure if this means they’ve decided I’m the one or if they’re in between candidates. They’ve also taken down the job posting after only a week being open. I haven’t been asked references, either.

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Third interview invite 20min after second interview? Third interview invite 20min after second interview? Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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