Got offered a job at costco but need some advice with people who have experience.

It's important to mention that this would be my very first job so i have no prior working experience. I originally applied for the tire center and stocking since I saw those two on job sites, and got called in for an interview for the tire center. Had a second interview recently and since I mentioned in my first interview that I'm in school studying IT that they want to put me in the Majors/electronics department instead of tires since they said they have a problem with getting people knowledgeable enough about tech etc. I'm pretty sure it's a sales job but don't really know what I would be doing. With that in mind, I have a pretty bad stutter and it's the reason i applied to stocking and tires because in my mind I wouldn't have to interact with customers very much, but if my primary job is sales I don't know if i could handle that, I also have pretty bad anxiety on top of the stutter. So i guess i'm looking for advice on what I should do.

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Got offered a job at costco but need some advice with people who have experience. Got offered a job at costco but need some advice with people who have experience. Reviewed by Louhi on octobre 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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