I got hired to this one job I really don’t like and honestly dread going to every day. The people, to the amount of work they want me to do is astounding and it’s just a toxic place for me to be in honestly. I won’t go into details but it just isn’t worth the money to me. I got hired on as a management position in a retail store but I just can’t do it. I got two job offers from two other places who are completely fine with working around two jobs when it comes to scheduling. I love the environment and the people right off the bat. My only issue is, am I being smart? My current job I’m working 30 hours a week, and the other two jobs I’d be working each 15 hours so it totals to 30. The only issue is the two jobs are paying about one dollar less an hour so ultimately my paycheck would be about 50$ less every paycheck. Am I being stupid or should I do it for the sake of my mental health?
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