Should I bother with a degree for computer science?

I've been into computers since before I was 10. I'm in college right now working for a computer science degree, but I've noticed it's become a saturated field, and my computer science classes are easy. I'd rather learn on my own with online classes or my own projects.

I feel like going to college is just wasting my time, for a degree that won't even be worth much. I hate having to write multi page essays on a subject that doesn't interest me at all, and having most of my time taken up by my classes when I could be working and getting some money.

I've found this course that offers classes close enough to me, and I feel like this would be a better use of my time. Still not sure on this, but at least it's only a 5 month commitment as opposed to multiple years.

So far my plan is: get the CompTIA A+ certificate somehow, try to get a job in IT using the certificate and try to work my way up form there. Does this sound viable enough?

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Should I bother with a degree for computer science? Should I bother with a degree for computer science? Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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