Should I fight for the job or move on?

I applied to a place 3 or 4 weeks ago and did two interviews which I thought went well. Unfortunately I got the call that they found other candidates for the position and got suggested to try other places. I applied for the same position at other places and for other entry level positions related to the field of work. I got 2 interviews at another place and didnt get the job either.

The process of finding a job, especially one in this field, that will hire me is tiring and FRUSTRATING. I applied to EVERY job ad I saw offering a related position and had not that great luck. Ive been doing this for over a month. I dont want to do a fast food or retail job that I know I'll hate and will get anxiety from. Im really stuck on the place that I applied to 3 or 4 weeks ago. Its really convient for me in many ways such as its VERY close, good pay, big chance for advancement, they offer to train you, and etc.

I know that I can fit into the position if given a chance to work there. I went and looked on Indeed to see if their job ad was still up and it is. I also called to see if they were still hiring for the position and they said they are.

I was thinking of calling the hiring manager tomorrow morning to ask her what is making her hesistant in hiring me (Ill word it in a less aggressive way lol). I believe the fact that I told her Ill be going away to college in around 5 months couldve thrown her off or my availability. I was great during the interviews (I think). I showed I was interested. They also offer to train people so I dont think that its Im not that qualified. I actually have some experience. Since the interview a lot of things in my life changed so now I have open availability, can work full time, and I wont be going away to college for a year or so. I would like to bring that up as well as why I can be a perfect candidate and what I could bring to the business.

Do you guys think its worth it to go through the uncomfortable situation of persuading them to hire me? Is it possible they will see me as determined and very interested or annoying and a bad candidate? Should I move on? (Ill also word thinks in a way it doesnt seem like Im forcing her or pressuring her to hire me)

Or would it be more acceptable to ask if it was because of my availability and just inform them about my new availability and how Im not going to college?

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Should I fight for the job or move on? Should I fight for the job or move on? Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 16, 2019 Rating: 5

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