Have any resume advice?

My current job started through a temp agency on 3/11/2019. Got hired on after about the minimum 520 hours or so. I was hired directly by the company on 6/10/2019 and I'm still there.

The job is a problem. My immediate supervisor is toxic, nobody in the building can really work with her and she has a nasty 2-3 year history of getting away with stuff because the management won't do anything. She has nearly gotten into fights with former employees, has gotten into screaming matches with people, cusses, rants and raves at people all day long every day. She's miserable every day for virtually the entire day. When I started the job, her boyfriend was my only coworker. Then he got fired for associating with employees that were stealing. Eventually the supervisor talked the management into letting him come back again and he was my coworker after getting fired. Then they fired him again. The guy after him doesn't want to work with her and I've been through so many coworkers. I'm sick of her. The company doesn't want to move me to another position because nobody wants to work with her. I've been through so much there and I'm just getting tired of it. I have also had to wait 90 days AFTER getting hired on directly with the company to even have a chance at a raise. Doubtful that they're going to give a decent one, even though my job has 3 times the duties of the other departments and yet I get the same pay rate.

Previous work history:

Company November 2018 to February 2019 (Direct hire with a company that turned out to be awful, half of the employees didn't speak English, poor training, etc.)

Company March 2017 to October 2018 (Decent company, low pay)

Company October 2016 to January 2017 (Decent pay, company had health hazards and I quit after 90 days)

Company August 2015 to October 2016

Company Position 1 June 2011 to June 2013Position 2 July 2013 to August 2015

Company May 2009 to May 2011

Company August 2008 to January 2009 (Company went out of business all over the USA and was laid off)

Company October 2005 to December 2007

Question: Those two jobs that I was at for 3 months...is it best to just leave them off from my resume because it looks bad? Or should I leave them? I'm referring to November 2018 to February 2019 and October 2016 to January 2017. I couldn't help the health hazards at one and they didn't want to wear gloves when touching chemicals that were deadly. Small company and they just didn't care about their health. The other company was also miserable, I couldn't get proper training and OSHA had fined them massively over the years. I wish I had known that before I was hired.

Leave them on or take them off and act like I wasn't working then?

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Have any resume advice? Have any resume advice? Reviewed by Louhi on septembre 02, 2019 Rating: 5

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