So I applied to 2 jobs and one I’m in starting Friday at a Marcos pizza as a delivery driver, but the other one (target) I just had an interview and they want to talk to me more. Target will be much better for me, pay wise, and it’s much closer. However there’s a slight risk I might not get it since hey said they’ll email me tomorrow for a second interview. I told the Marcos pizza manager that I want to work there since target applied so late, but no official paperwork has started so it wouldn’t be too bad if I pulled out. But I’m just worried if target might not get through and I might struggle finding other job. I really want the target job, I can pay off college and save up for what I want. Also it wouldn’t be so bad for my car as I won’t have drive a lot. My mom recommends me switch to target, but I don’t want to be a jerk and pull out last minute from Marcos.
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