Trying to negotiate hourly pay but unsure what to ask for

I would greatly appreciate some assistance/ insight into my compensation situation.

I was offered a new position as a Marketing Project Manager and this was what the original offer was:

“1st week would be $650. Week 2 to end of 2 months would be at $20 / hour with a min 30 hour / week guarantee. Review at 2 months, 6 months and 1 year. Goal to get you to $25 / hour in a year or less with dependencies based on training and certifications in analytics, seo, adwords, and conversion rate optimization; client management (satisfaction and additional revenue generation); and project management. Company will pay for training costs and time when applicable. We do provide discretionary bonuses and holiday bonuses but they should not be counted on as they are dependent on company profitability.

I would like to start you off in website dev projects initially, but we plan on adding social media responsibilities as well.”

I countered asking if there was room to negotiate because I would be 1099 (so lots of taxes) as well as unable to take freelance clients as per their non compete.

The owner said he was open to hearing a counter offer but now I have no idea what to propose 😅

Additionally, the position is completely work from home, so no commute to factor in.

Any help or insight is appreciated! thank you!

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Trying to negotiate hourly pay but unsure what to ask for Trying to negotiate hourly pay but unsure what to ask for Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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