I graduated in May and have struggled to find a real job since (stats major). I have an interview with a temp agency for a data entry temp position next week and am debating if it is worth taking it. It’s a 6-7 month position and better than nothing, but it’s very low paying and Im probably way overqualified for the position. I’d much rather find a full time position as an analyst of some sort but haven’t had any success, so is this worth settling for? Can I quit a temp job or are those typically binding/ more difficult to leave? Also, I was told to bring forms or ID to fill out I9 forms during my interview. Does this basically mean they are going to offer me the position or is this standard for interviews with agencies?
Sorry for all the questions, I am just torn over whether I should be patient and wait for the right position for my career or settle for whatever I can get now. Any answers/ suggestions help, thanks!
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