Something that annoys be about applying for jobs.

Is all the background checks and having to pass a drug screen. I have a clean background but because of Autism I have had the most difficult time finding a job that suits me. And now to the reason of my posting.

I tried to get a job at hot head burritos about 2 years ago. Instead managers at 2 different locations kept giving me the runaround so I gave up.

Then I find out a month ago that a guy I know who got convicted for selling hard drugs (not sure if also making them), was practically given a job at hot head.

I find it pretty frustrating that a person that deals drugs is given a job while a person who's never even considered something that illegal wouldn't stand a chance.

I hate to seem spoiled but this is why I don't bother with job hunting. Had the same thing happen when applying to work in an Amazon warehouse. Found out the person doing the interviews was on drugs and even though I passed a drug screen I was told the day before to not come in. I drove 55 miles for that job and didn't even get it.

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Something that annoys be about applying for jobs. Something that annoys be about applying for jobs. Reviewed by Louhi on juillet 18, 2019 Rating: 5

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