Internship declined full time offer due to personality test results

I am a recent graduate currently interning at a company.

Towards the end I was given a verbal offer, followed by a written offer that would be contingent on taking a personality assessment. the assessment was 8 hours long, and consisted of a math section, and a very long questionnaire. (Questions like the ones you would see on any basic personality assessment).

It turns out I failed, and I won’t be eligible to recive an offer. both of my supervisors were bummed out, and tried to reason with the higher-ups to see if their was any thing they could do.

Unfortunately they are only allowed to keep me for one More month, and they told me they would give me references, and told me to apply to other places.

Have any of you been in a situation like this? Or have any success stories?, I’m disappointed with the whole situation, And I’m obviously applying for other jobs.

It almost makes it difficult to even care about this internship knowing I’ll never get to work for the company again.

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Internship declined full time offer due to personality test results Internship declined full time offer due to personality test results Reviewed by Louhi on mai 19, 2019 Rating: 5

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