20, might get fired from my job for being young.

I recently started a new job and its been pointed out I'm the youngest out of 34 (the new onboarding team).

I already had a meeting with HR earlier in the month where I had to address a supervisor that talked down to me due to my age. Since then, I've been asserting myself to the supervisors because I understand they see me as a child and don't take me seriously. They cut me off in conversations, don't give me credit for ideas that are implemented on the floor, and don't answer my questions.

One of my managers is trying to write me up for having attitude, but its coming from no where. He said its the way I ask questions and how I can come off, but he's one of the managers that treated me differently about my age before I went to HR.

We have 4 trainers on the floor and I've interacted with several of the other managers/upper management as well. They never said anything about attitude, treated me differently, or give any social cues about my behavior. We even tell jokes to each other and chat freely on breaks. My coworkers said I was laid back and quiet.

Please give me advice. He is an operational manager and the other is a supervisor, they are trying to fire me. Its 3am and I'm crying because I need this job but i'm already afraid to go back to work.

I don't know if I do have attitude, or if I don't. I'm genuinely lost and any advice is appreciated.

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20, might get fired from my job for being young. 20, might get fired from my job for being young. Reviewed by Louhi on mai 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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