I’m getting my upper teeth extracted because I have three left and I’m getting temporary dentures. This week.
I should be excited but yet I’m Scared. Not for my extractions on Thursday but for my job that I might get fired from this week.
I think it all stems from the three upper teeth that I have left. I don’t smile at all( so I presume people think I’m mad 24/7)
I don’t talk with my mouth fully open but when I do I think people have noticed and might be taken back by it.
They haven’t said anything but it’s a feeling alI have. I’m never late always work but I’m not given work and my work is being taken away. Everyone is short with me and doesn’t conversation yet they will with everyone else in the office
The job knows I have surgery this week but just oral. Nothing else cause I’m embarrassed to tell them. I don’t feel like it’s their business unless asked. I take pride in my work and rather have my work be what is focused on.
I’m on a 90 day probation and apparently no one else in the office has ever had one.
Again I should be excited for the next chapter in my health but may lose my job so I’m depressed and I’m sad
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